Saturday, May 27, 2006

Summer rain, flow and regrets

I'm really on a writing roll right now - both my paper and this blog. I'm in a state of flow, and even though there is no hint of structure (I guess I'll sort that out tomorrow), Ideas are pouring out and onto the pages. It is raining outside, but it's not really as cold as you might expect. I have opened both doors to the balcony of our two-roomer wide, to get all the fragrance from wet leaves , asphalt and earth inside. I would have liked to sit out there, but it's too dark to read, and the power-cable for my computer won't reach. I love summer rain, especially by night. It puts me in a romantic, even pining, mood. Morcheeba on the speakers.

The mood makes me realise that my principal regret in life is a burned hard-disc some years back. I had gotten a labtop, so the loss of hardware was of little consequence, but on the hard drive was my combined creative production - ever. A few years prior to that, I lost my entire portfolio of sketches. I never got back to drawing after that either.
The role-playing stuff, essays and odd ends of fiction in the disc was no great loss, but my songs were. I had taken the time to type in all the lyrics and tabs for songs I had written in my early twenties (mostly about love and summer rain) and even if they weren't that original, I still poured my heart into them. Girls seemed to like them too. I wanted to be a non-semitic gen-x Cohen. Recently I realised that I have forgotten about half of the songs, and those that I do have the printed lyrics for, I forgot how to play. I never got back to writing music, and it breaks my heart...

The cats have been fighting for half an hour now - probably exited by my erratic typing. I'm getting annoyed with the disturbance, and the blood have left my fingers, leaving them ice-cold and numb. The coffe is starting to disagree with me as well...


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