Friday, May 26, 2006

Cold coffee and sour guts

Why am I getting so frustrated about a tiny weeks worth of term-paper?!? ...I mean, I have loads of publications coming out this year, and my academic carreer is looking good. So, why the hell am I staying up at night, drinking cold coffee and reading textbooks that are intended for first-year students, for a measly week-report? Simple; I enjoy writing and researching stuff when doing it on my own time and terms, and when I have complete power over the content and subject matter. I like to ponder whatever I will write, and suck bits of information and ideas out of everything - from lectures to ps2 games - over an extended period of time. When, on the other hand, I am faced on a paper with a fixed problem and curriculum, and only a single week to do the damn thing, I freeze up. I need time to turn these things over in my head - preferably while drunk in a park with my friends... or working on getting there.
So, here I am, getting all stressed out over somethng that should be easy, while drinking cold coffee (bad, cheap crap, I might add), fighting a lingering headache and getting annoyed with everything; simply because of a simple social psychology paper.
I can't wait 'till the holiday, where I get to work on my own stuff for three months... Did I say holiday...? I need a regular job.


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